Program Overview

CLAY Student Leadership is a program designed to positively transform the lives of students and parents in at-risk communities through holistic and relevant leadership training.

Our Curriculum

Clay Student Leadership Six-year Curriculum

A six-year curriculum designed to provide leadership and life-skills training for students and their families from 3rd grade and on.

Clay R3: Reach, Reason, And Release Accelerated Curriculum

Targeted toward students most at-risk of dropping-out, the R3 accelerated curriculum restores students’ drive to live, succeed, and fulfill their life purpose.

About Our Program

CLAY Student Leadership is a program designed to positively transform the lives of students and parents in at-risk communities through holistic and relevant leadership training.

Since its inception in 1997, CLAY Student Leadership’s mission of CARING LOVING ALL YOUTH (CLAY) has helped decrease the maladaptive behaviors of at-risk students and increased the effectiveness of at-promise students by partnering with schools, churches, nonprofit organizations, outreach programs, and corporations to foster a community-based approach to student transformation. Through CLAY Student Leadership students and families find hope and purpose as each student learns to dream again and gains the practical tools to achieve their dreams.

Our Approach: Caring Loving

CLAY’s unique youth-friendly curriculum engages students through music, journaling, and consistent mentorship, instilling leadership values through an interactive experience that allows students to absorb and apply simple truths. In addition, family team building and intentional leadership seminars equip parents to take an active role in the lives of their children and engage them with their school administration.

Population Served: All Youth

CLAY Student Leadership serves students from various backgrounds and achievement levels. CLAY’s program model has proven to decrease the maladaptive behaviors of “at-risk” students - behaviors such as gang violence, low academic performance, truancy, and violence, and increase the effectiveness of “at-promise” students who demonstrate mid to high academic performance and leadership potential.

Our Results

Participation in CLAY Student Leadership programs produces the following results in students:

• Improved academic performance
• Goal-oriented life planning
• Increased sense of purpose and self-worth
• A shift in attitude and behavior
• Increased sense of support from family and school
© 2023 Clay Student Leadership. All rights reserved.